Saturday, December 09, 2006


Sydney - Melbourne on foot!

It was my second last day at Sydney and I was wondering how I'm gonna shove all my overweight luggage in to the cheap-stingy-economyclass Jetstar's flight and get away with the huge extra-luggage (some 30 kg above the limit - I'm a lite traveler). Well, something came up: I got a phone call from a friend in Melb, telling me he's bought a car on Ebay (yes! they DO sell cars on ebay as well!) and he's planning to fetch it from Sydney the next day. No wonder he wanted to share the joy of 800+ km drive with me all the way to Melbourne. And its out of question that I'll give up my 1.5 flight ticket for an exciting 12 hour drive through NWS and Victoria (Jetstars offers no cancellation refund...bastards!!!). How could I left my buddy to drive alone for 12 hours?

you can find more here:


Sydney Vol II: Bondi Beach, The Sculpture by the Sea Exhibition

Its been a while...
Well you know me, partly because of laziness and partly as a result of me being perplexed by the glare of Melbourne (I'm kiddin' David:P)

I think pictures will talk for themselves (hopefully), but I cant help not sharing my feelings when I first got there: you cross the street and out of the blue, the huge endless ocean appears in front of you.

I was lucky enough to make it for the last day of "Sculpture by the Sea" Exhibition. this is some kind of conceptual (if I may...) art exhibition, held annually during November in Sydney all the way through from Bondi to Bronte Beach. One can have a nice walk overlooking the ocean and enjoy some cultural enema. Fabulous!

See the complete set if you like at

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